Monday, June 24, 2013

Vancouver life: The Winter Farmaer's market

Vancouver is usually so cold and windy during a winter time, following by a long, dark night, thus, people only wanna stay at home rather than go outside for activities.


However, there are still some outdoor activities each week giving people some chances to enjoy the nature.


One of the activity was "Winter Farmer's Market", and lucky for me, I got an opportunity to go there during the first month in Vancouver.


The winter farmer's market was located in the Riley Park-Little Mountain neighborhood of Vancouver, and it was also the home of the Vancouver Canadians baseball team. Near by the Hillcrest Park.

冬季農夫市場是位於Riley Park-Little Mountain附近,靠近Hillcrest Park

The entry sign showed the information of this market, lots of farmers brought their fresh vegetable and home make dishes to the market.


Grow fresh, eat fresh!!


Actually, my main purpose here was those various food trucks! Food trucks are the special feature in Vancouver, especially they serve different kind of foods, such as Mexican Taco, Indian cuisine, delicious grill and my favor, the Latin America food!

不過其實我的主要目的是來吃的!溫哥華有名的象徵之一是餐車,各國特色料理都有可能在小小的餐車上變出來!像是Taco, 印度料理和拉丁美洲的食物!

This was the one! My first target, I came here for their delicious pupusas ! I even tweeted to them the day before to make sure they were coming!

這是這間!Guanaco Truck! 他們家著名的拉丁美洲食物 pupusas, 我甚至在出發前還特別Tweet 他們確定他們會出現!

Food Truck: Guanaco Truck
Cuisine: Latin America
Recommend: Pupusa
Price: less than $10 (Around $7.5 to $10)
Twitter: @guanacotruck

They served the best ever pupusas in town, and of course, people lined up when I got there during the lunch time. But unfortunately I can't taste their fires due to the facility was broken that day, thus they decided to give us a discount for the meal for $6 each from original $9.5.

他們有最好吃的pupusas,而且理所當然的在中餐時間排滿了人。不過當天他們的炸爐出了點問題,沒辦法提供薯條。所以,所有的餐點打折囉(原價$9.5, 打折後 $6)

Here it is! The delicious pupusas which was served with caggage salad and salsa sauce.

看看這個,超好吃的pupusas, 搭配著高麗菜絲沙拉和莎莎醬,絕配!

It was baked with mashed cheese, bean, all mixed together, best served with HOT!!


Here was another food truck serving delicious Taco, which was my aother favorite cousin!

另外一台餐車也很讚啦, Coast Featro, 提供墨西哥Taco

Food Truck: Coast Featro
Cuisine: Mexican
Recommend: Taco
Price: less than $4.5-$6.5 (Around $7.5 to $10)
Twitter: @Coastfeatro
Must try: Salmon Taco

This Taco was as big as my palm, fulled of smoked salmon, Advocado, fresh tomato and cheese. Huge size with a very reasonable price ($4.5 each) !

這一個Taco 整整有我一個手掌大!滿滿的鮭魚,酪梨和新鮮蕃笳還有起司。超大一個 $4.5元,相較於其它餐車動軋$7起跳,很划算。

One more surprise was their hand cut fries, use a whole potato to cut becoming wave shape fires, served with mustard sauce, fantastic!


There were other two food trucks also popular and people lined up just for a taste, but I dismissed them. One was Le Tigre Cuisine Mobile Food Truck. It was more like Taiwanese famous fried chicken stand. I was sure their food must be so delicious, people crowded around the truck all the time.

另外有2台餐車我就沒去排了,一台是 Le Tigre Cuisine, 賣的東西很像台灣的鹹酥雞,生意好到人潮沒少過。

Another was a tank. Yeap, a TANK! The chef served a chili beef sauce with 2 pieces of toasted garlic bread, I didn't try it since I was so full at that moment, but it attracted many people and it has great reviews on Urbanspoon.


Vancouver's weather is hard to predict and rains often, people really wanna go outside when the sun comes out. And I am a part of them, enjoy the sun and delicious food, what a wonder day!


Monday, June 17, 2013

Vancouver Life - First week

Time flies fast! I've here in Vancouver for 3 months now. So many things happened and ended up changing from my original plans, but I have to say "Never regret! "

時間過的很快,轉眼間我已經在溫哥華三個月了。這之間發生了許多事,雖然最後和我原先的計畫完全不同,但我必須要說 “不後悔!”

Vancouver is a very beautiful city when it's sunny and clear! Lucky me, most of my days staying here were almost the perfect weather for each day!


Downtown Vancouver

I studied the EPE (Post Secondary program)  in KGIC (King George International College) , it's located in downtown Vancouver, just nears the famous Robinson Street.

我就讀KGIC的EPE 課程,而學校就位在於溫哥華市中心,著名的Robinson街附近

Any of the time when cheery tree blossomed, this kind of the view was the most beautiful painting for me to see each day!


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Telephoning: Opening a call & Taking message

It is very important to illustrate your purpose and let the person who answers your phone can have complete information why you are calling. Here are some tips on calling/answering the phone.

Answer a phone:

Hello, ABC company, Financial Dept. Shelley's speaking.
Yes, this is Statistic Dept.

When you want to know who is calling:

Who is calling please?
May I know what is the connection with?
May I ask what it is reference to?



When you make a call, you should include basic information while you're calling

External call: Company name, Dept. name, and your name.
Internal call: Dept. name and your name.
Then, tell your connector and purpose.

Hello, this is Shelley from ABC company.

May I speak to...
Could you please put me through...
The reason what I'm calling is
I'm calling about....

To leave a message:

Should be able to get a message to John.
Would you like to leave a message?

May I leave a message?
Could you take a message, please?

While waiting:

Just a second / Just a moment
Getting it! (Means you are writing on paper right now)

Ask for reconfirm:

Can you read that back to me?
Let me read that back to you.
So let me make sure that I get the name right.

EPE-Case study: Class Size and Academic Achievement (II)

This is an essay for academic preparation course. I'd like to have it been reviewed and welcome everyone's comments, especially on grammar and structure, thank you.

Is the class size relative to better academic achievement?

To experiment with a specific outcome, in the late 1980s, a Tennessee-sponsored project called “Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio”, or “STAR” was designed to measure students’ performance through widened sample size and exclude the influence factors, such as students’ family background, the ratio of native English speaker. STAR use a different way to optimize the study result, which was assigned students and teachers randomly in different class size. Project STAR continued for four years and analysts conducted multiple records; generally, students have significant improvement in the first grade, even maintained the same performance after they have gone back to large class. Also, another notable result showed that ethnic minority students jumped in achievement impressively compared to previous records.
However, the other analysts have different view, they criticised that the study result did not provide clear evidence of the correlation between good performance and small class size. Despite the fact that, there was consensus among excellent students’ performance when they studied in a class with student number between thirteen to seventeen.

In spite of those
remarkable finds related to the merits of small class size, different education styles implementing in Asia tell different stories in contrast to the benefits of small class size. For a long time, Asian schools kept large class size for each grade, usually more than forty students in one class, which is different from American schools, especially Japanese students, who hold the most remarkable achievement records. Those students highly disciplined and honored to be chosen. The teachers have strong established relationship with students. Although the flexibility in large class is not as much as it is in small class, some records showed that without considering the factors of linguistic and culture diversities, Japanese students can still hold high scores under standard test. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Vancouver Life: Study and immigration

2 months ago, I finally decided to actualize my dream, to live in Vancouver, a city I fell in love since first time I visited, and to achieve my academic goal.

2 months later, the situations changed so fast and I can only try to grab every possible opportunity. To Apply to those so called "suitable" University is extremely giving me hard time, because of my uncompleted college degree, I only had senior high school graduated transcription, plus 2 years college Diploma.

Eventually, 2 famous University here: University of Victoria, Vancouver, BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology). I was so glad that I can get into these acceptance letters, but later I realized the fact: there are too many Universities and college here, and Vancouver is an immigrants city, these academic programs are specifically designed for the international students and those people who want to immigrate here.

When my life came to this stage, I should really carefully outweigh both my desire and economical side of the future life.

It was difficult for me to make a decision between immigration purpose and go back my home country to find a job. Suddenly, it just liked someone lit a spotlight on me, there is an interest of mind, but for long time, I pursued something else and forgot it. Just at this moment, I saw it!

Interpreter, this is an amazing job for me and because of my passion on English, which is contributed to this interest. I am fortunate enough, there are 2 Universities run relevant programs: Business translation of Chinese - English. I truly believed that if a window was closed, God will open another window for me, only if I can find it and see the view through that window, future is brighten!

I'd like to share this experience because, there are so many international students here in Vancouver, no matter what purpose they have, go to Universities, immigration, working, or just want to stay aboard for a while, the first step is the most important thing, you have to be there than you know what exactly you want.

Don't be afraid, at least you've tried. Don't regret, because what you experiencing here is priceless.

St. Patric Festival, Vancouver

Granville Island Market, Vancouver

The most cheery flowers I've ever seen









EPE-Case study: Class Size and Academic Achievement (I)

This is an essay for academic preparation course. I'd like to have it been reviewed and welcome everyone's comments, especially on grammar and structure, thank you.

Is the class size relative to better academic achievement?

The importance of education is the core value of all human society. Thus, how to improve the performance of students is the heated subjects of endless debate. When class size is mentioned, most studies refer to 20 students as a small class, and a large one is more than 20. In Asia, large class size is common for every level of school. In the elementary school that I studied, the classroom was usually full of approximately sixty students. Under this situation, our teacher did not give us any free time to discussion nor provide feedback for individuals. The whole school year followed by tight schedule; standard and frequent examinations were the effective ways to test student’s performance. As a result, students tried hard to continue high scored, otherwise, harsh punishment would occur. Considered the improvement academic achievement, there is common consensus among the beneficial ways of class-size reduction in many countries. To be sure, there have been numerous studies in the U.S. concentrating on this topic. This essay will discuss the relative benefits of both small and large class sizes.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to students’ performance. Overtime, the performance of students is widely better as a result of class-size reduction; numerous studies also indicated those benefits following by reducing the class size.  According to these conducts, some major key points are worth to be addressed as: more interaction between students and teachers, encouraging group discussion and these students are more likely to become healthier in their later lives.
First of all, unlike large classes, fewer students in class can avoid interruption from peers, and also give teachers more opportunities to focus on individually. Students are encouraged to team up together and have more discussions, which not only gives teachers more room of flexibility, but it also modifies education style by the ways of examining the students closely. Meanwhile, because the students are well educated, they may have sufficient knowledge to maintain healthy lives and avoid unnecessary medical cost.
In addition, some analysts agreed that those students in kindergarten prosper good study habits and it is likely to persist for long time. However, as maintained by existing records showed that since 1969, over 28 years, the United States has experienced relative decrease in student-teacher ratios dramatically, despite a negligible increase in academic performance.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

TJB Cafe

This is a lovely restaurant, which is located near <Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall> MRT station, blue painting wall that you can easily spot it just around the corner. Through the window, there are some adorable merchandises such as tower or mug, and those make here become a popular restaurant for tea time.

They not just have beautiful decoration but also yummy brunch, and they serve "huge" brunch!

Chicken taco salad
they made some change for this tradition Mexican food, fire wheat tortilla to make it crisp and as a folder for rich chicken salad, with red onion, lettuce, tomato, baby corn and tendency chicken breast.

TJB roasted turkey panini
well, this panini was nothing special, the toast was over baked, made it hard to have it a bite 'cause that stuffing just fell over the plate, but the chip tasted good though.

My favour, Omelet!!
Bacon & cheese makes life wonderful!!! (I probably shouldn't say that 'cause I'm vegetarian now…)

I missed the chance to take some photos while I cut that creamy omelet, I just can't wait to taste it, and eventually, I only left this wonderful moment when it was served.

The price range around NT$ 180 to NT$ 300 (with drinks or side dish), at average price level of cafe in Taipei, but it's always crowed and they don't take reservation!!! (You can only wait outside the restaurant...)
If you don't wanna waste time, suggest to avoid lunch or dinner rush hour!

Name: TJB Cafe
Tel: 02-2776-2527
Opening hours: 7days, from 9AM - 10PM
Address: 1F., No.23, Ln. 260, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Sunday, February 3, 2013

iPhone App: Move

[iOS App: Move]

I've tested a new lunched app for recording moving distance and tracking work out status, named "MOVE" (category: Health & Fitness).

Download here:

It is using GPS on your iPhone, and all you need to do is click on this app before your going out, put iPhone on pocket, then leave it, check summary status while back home.
How this app can really adjust for different speed of walking or transportation, I wonder? But after a one day hanged out with friends (as you may know, girls get together, shopping, cross street to street, one department store to another, taking subway, etc.), this app showed its capability! It not only recorded each section of working distance, automatic pause, and adjust to transport mood when I was on subway.

Here are snapshot:
➺ Each section contain walking duration and map

Taipei ﹡Delicious ➺ Japanese pubs [台北 ﹡食記 吳留手居酒屋]

Taipei ﹡Delicious ➺ Japanese pubs [台北 ﹡食記 吳留手居酒屋]

Late night, after work off, the one of the most enjoyable thing to relax is hanging out with colleagues or friends, especially here in Taipei. Traditionally, Taiwanese like to eat, exotic cuisine such like sushi or grill is far more welcome, and here is trick, look for those special stores on small street, this definitely pay off when yummy meal is served.

And this Japanese pub is one of the best,

What a shame that I didn't take too many pictures for our meal, those all were too delicious, and of course, we were hungry, so we ended up eating all dishes, and I only keep this grouped pic.

Restaurant Name: 吳留手串燒居酒屋
Address: No.246, Liaoning St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan 

View Larger Map

Tel: (02) 2515-2369
MRT: Zhongshan Junior High School [捷運文湖線,中山國中站]